This Time Last Year...

I recently said that in the month leading up to Emery's birthday, I knew I would start reminiscing about this time last year, so here goes the first memory. Last year when September rolled around, I remember thinking it was so surreal that the month I had been anticipating all year was finally here (Emery's due date was Sept 22). Then later that day I had a slight scare when the doctor's office told me to come in early after I called about a concern I had. I immediately thought I could be having the baby that day, and I was NOT ready! Of course, I didn't have her then, but I certainly got myself prepared!

Now, a year later, it's September again, Emery's "birthday month"! I guess from now on, I'll look forward to September with some anticipation. It's so hard to believe that in just over 3 weeks she'll be 1.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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