What's Goin' On

I've been thinking about blogging for a while, I just haven't taken the time to do it. Mostly I've been doing photo stuff, or I've been reading, so I just hadn't had the blog on the top of my priority list.

One thing I have been wanting to blog about is the fact that I am back at all elementary schools in my job. (The last 2 school years I have been at 1 elementary and a middle school.) I wanted to try out middle school to see what it was like. The first year was good. I did more counseling (it's mostly testing and problem-solving for interventions in elementary) and I liked the kids I saw. But the second year was a little more stressful and the kids I had to counsel weren't as receptive. I decided I am more comfortable and skilled with the problems of elementary school, rather than the issues of middle school. So, even though I'm REALLY busy at both elementary schools, I am enjoying work so much more! I hate to say it, but it got to where I was really dreading going in those days last year. The best thing about it was that I got to go in an hour later. Of course, I had to stay an hour later, too, so that part wasn't as fun. Bottom line: work is going well.

I can't believe it's already Christmas again. I hate to sound old, but time really does go by faster the older you get. But, this was the first year that I was not in Idlewild's Christmas presentations since I started singing in them in 1988. Last year I was still in it, even though we had already started going to Grace. I welcomed the extra time this year, but the presentation had a story line, which are my favorite kind. We went to see it last week, and I have to admit, I teared up a bit a couple of times, just from the nostalgia, and that initial feeling of "I should be up there." It was so great to see people, including some that are back after having been gone for years. It was a fun night.

Christmas came early for the Johnsons this year. I decided that I really wanted a DSLR camera, so Jason decided that we should get it before Thanksgiving. (He said this was so I would know how to use it by Christmas, when I would want to get good pictures.) I got a Canon Rebel T1. I also was able to get the newest version of Photoshop, so I was very excited. (Since I work for the school system, I was eligible to get the student/teacher version for much cheaper.) So, now I will be able to do some awesome scrapbook layouts of some great photographs taken with my wonderful camera. Yay!

I'm just going to say, I am loving the cold weather we are having right now. I honestly can't remember it ever getting into the 30s this often, before Christmas. Yeah, January and February it does, but the beginning and middle of December? I just wish I was already on break so I didn't have to get up and out in it. I wonder if this winter is going to be another extreme one like last winter was. I hope so, it's fun.


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